Julie Bradbury Coaching Weekend
Double Olympian and former World number 1 Julie Bradbury spent a weekend in Norfolk providing masterclass coaching sessions at Framlingham Leisure Centre.
The event was organised and sponsored by Norfolk Badminton Association. Just over 80 club and social players from the Norwich and District League of all standards attended several sessions of coaching along with ‘insights and tips’ designed to raise player’s games to the next level. Each session was tailored to the standard of play and strengths of the players involved and everyone came away from the session with something to enhance their game.
A number of players enjoyed the experience so much they immediately signed on the next day’s courses to get as much from the weekend as possible. The event was also supported by Yonex, Top Spin the sports retailer as well as the Framlingham Earl Leisure Centre.
Julie said "I was really impressed with the hard work, enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge of those attending, and their desire to improve their game - all things that add to the fun and enjoyment of the experience for all of us".
During the question and answer session players we able to ask about specific issues that reflected real situations in their play and she was able to share her experience at the highest levelof the game with those attending.
Julie hopes to add a further weekend during the season to follow on from this great event.
Photos taken over the course of the weekend can be viewed here: